An All-Time High In The US Real Estate Market
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A Cost-Saving And Infinite Storage AI-Powered Application
In the construction field, every project requires daily on-site updates so that the management team can track the progress, compare to its timelines, and recognize the irregularities. This condition, traditionally, requires an unavoidable expense of hiring and maintaining the on-site updates workforce; however, the updates are only available weekly or monthly. With the growth of artificial intelligence, various notable construction AI programs are born to optimize management costs with daily updates.
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Zillow Applies AI To Reduce Errors In Its Estimates
Zillow Group, Inc., founded in 2006 by Barton and Frink, is the largest American online real-estate advertising and rental marketplace platform. Recently, Zillow has just announced its new neural network, which the company has spent years on practices and researches for better home value estimation.
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64 Companies Announced Expansion Plans into Texas
Texas is one of the most attractive real estate markets in the U.S because of its affordability. In addition, an ideal closure time of the state economy when the pandemic hit the state, and a methodical reopening of businesses based on data and doctor recommendations also contribute to the surging demand of the Texas real estate market.
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