Iconbuild and the Rise of 3D-Printed Houses
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64 Companies Announced Expansion Plans into Texas
Texas is one of the most attractive real estate markets in the U.S because of its affordability. In addition, an ideal closure time of the state economy when the pandemic hit the state, and a methodical reopening of businesses based on data and doctor recommendations also contribute to the surging demand of the Texas real estate market.
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An Environmentally Friendly Community Utilizing Alternative Energy
Amid the climate crisis, governments and residents are looking for the answer to the tough question: How to deal with climate change! In fact, various solutions have been debated for years and "Using Reusable Energy" is the one that earns the most agreement. However, whether it can replace fossil fuels and other natural resources or enough to adapt to humans' needs has always been a puzzle.
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Raleigh NC A Top Rental Market 2021
Raleigh, NC, emerges as a top rental market due to mass high-tech job opportunities in Research Triangle Park (RTP) - home to some of the world’s fastest developing businesses and communities such as Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Ipreo by IHS Markit, IBM.
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