Key Trends in the Manufactured Homes and Mobile Homes Market
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64 Companies Announced Expansion Plans into Texas
Texas is one of the most attractive real estate markets in the U.S because of its affordability. In addition, an ideal closure time of the state economy when the pandemic hit the state, and a methodical reopening of businesses based on data and doctor recommendations also contribute to the surging demand of the Texas real estate market.
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Image Boise, Idaho Being The Hottest Housing Market In The U.S
The housing market in Boise, Idaho, is not only thriving but also exceeding projection. As of the newest updates, the home price is 22% over the national average. The median home price reached $405,000 in March 2021, and Idaho ranks #2 in the U.S. for home-equity gains. Additionally, an average buyer pays over asking price for nine months straight in the Boise Metropolitan Area.
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Surfing Became an Official Olympic Sport
One of the four sports that made its Olympic debut at the 2020 Summer Games in Tokyo was surfing. What’s special about this water sport and how did it get accepted into the prestigious games?
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