A Quick Review Of Lodging Industry Performance In 2021
Why Suburban Office Is More Attractive Than Ever
The 1st quarter of 2021 sees a significant recovery of the U.S. Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Market in every sector compared to the same time of last year. The increase in suburban prices contributes to the robust gain in U.S. commercial property prices in March 2021.
The Neuralink Team Shows a Monkey Playing Pong with its Mind
Neuralink, the neurotechnology company of billionaire Elon Musk, studies implantable brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). The company was founded in 2016 by Musk and others, the experts in neuroscience, biochemistry, and robotic fields.
An Environmentally Friendly Community Utilizing Alternative Energy
Amid the climate crisis, governments and residents are looking for the answer to the tough question: How to deal with climate change! In fact, various solutions have been debated for years and "Using Reusable Energy" is the one that earns the most agreement. However, whether it can replace fossil fuels and other natural resources or enough to adapt to humans' needs has always been a puzzle.