A Future Community Of Modular Housing
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All about Virtual Real Estate in 2022
The metaverse is getting more popular. The rebranding of Facebook as Meta last year brought the growth of this alternative universe to the forefront of investors' minds. As an investor, you may ask: “What exactly is the metaverse and what investment opportunities might it open up, especially in the highly desirable real estate industry?”
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64 Companies Announced Expansion Plans into Texas
Texas is one of the most attractive real estate markets in the U.S because of its affordability. In addition, an ideal closure time of the state economy when the pandemic hit the state, and a methodical reopening of businesses based on data and doctor recommendations also contribute to the surging demand of the Texas real estate market.
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Thrilling Online Shopping Experience with Virtual Fashion
With the fast growth of technology, it's easier than ever to find and shop the perfect latest piece of fashion online. Precisely, it provides virtual fashion try-on. In fact, the digital fashion industry is expected to be a robust growth for the next few years.
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