All about Virtual Real Estate in 2022
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Real Estate Hot Even In The Virtual World
As hot as the current housing market situation, the virtual real estate market has become more attractive than ever. It is a fertile robust market where billions of US dollars have been transacted. Now, let's dive into the details of the virtual world, where you can own real estate, sell art, visit the replica wonders of the world, or even attend events.
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Everything To Know About The 568K SF Lease Multistory Bronx Warehouse
At the enormous multistory Bronx construction by Innovo Property Group and Square Mile Capital, a mystery tenant has signed the largest New York City industrial lease of the year.
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A Signal Of Return Of Multifamily Market In The Midwest
A new normal phase is around the corner when the U.S. economy has dramatically recovered since April 2020. As a result, the multifamily sector across the nation, especially in the Midwest, expects to continue growing possibly in the foreseeable future and beyond.
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