Real Estate Hot Even In The Virtual World
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Iconbuild and the Rise of 3D-Printed Houses
3D-printed homes are revolutionizing the construction industry by making home construction faster, cheaper, and more environmentally friendly.
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Raleigh NC A Top Rental Market 2021
Raleigh, NC, emerges as a top rental market due to mass high-tech job opportunities in Research Triangle Park (RTP) - home to some of the world’s fastest developing businesses and communities such as Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Ipreo by IHS Markit, IBM.
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Zillow Applies AI To Reduce Errors In Its Estimates
Zillow Group, Inc., founded in 2006 by Barton and Frink, is the largest American online real-estate advertising and rental marketplace platform. Recently, Zillow has just announced its new neural network, which the company has spent years on practices and researches for better home value estimation.
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