How AI Is Changing Traditional Real Estate Marketing
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A Cost-Saving And Infinite Storage AI-Powered Application
In the construction field, every project requires daily on-site updates so that the management team can track the progress, compare to its timelines, and recognize the irregularities. This condition, traditionally, requires an unavoidable expense of hiring and maintaining the on-site updates workforce; however, the updates are only available weekly or monthly. With the growth of artificial intelligence, various notable construction AI programs are born to optimize management costs with daily updates.
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Everything To Know About The 568K SF Lease Multistory Bronx Warehouse
At the enormous multistory Bronx construction by Innovo Property Group and Square Mile Capital, a mystery tenant has signed the largest New York City industrial lease of the year.
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The Upcoming Trend Of Revenge-Spending in 2021
“Revenge-spending” is a term that illustrates the customers’ buying behavior after the COVID restrictions spend more on shopping than their purchase habits before the pandemic. According to Bloomberg Economics estimation, over $1.7T in excess savings from the beginning of the pandemic (March 2020) to January 2021 and the latest round of stimulus payments by the Biden organization are ready for the Americans to get in the revenge-spending.
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