The Upcoming Trend Of Revenge-Spending in 2021
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An All-Time High In The US Real Estate Market
The real estate market is still on fire and continuing to soar significantly this summer. According to the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller, the nation’s house price index has been hitting the record high at 243.66, increasing 13.2% year-over-year as of March 2021. Below is the home price data list of 20 major U.S. metropolitan areas ranked from highest to lowest in 12-month change.
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Key Trends in the Manufactured Homes and Mobile Homes Market
Over the years, mobile homes and manufactured homes are both creative ways to meet the need for good, affordable housing. Let’s explore the latest trends in the sector!
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Update: Raleigh, North Carolina Continues To Have A Strong Growth In The Housing Market
Over a couple of months, the Raleigh housing market has seen significant growth for both sale and rent price. It is praised as being the most thriving market with great ROI guarantees. Let’s have a look at its fascinating figures retrieved from Redfin, RoofStock, Norada real estate investment, and other reliable sources.
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