Revenge Travel And Its Benefits To The Economy
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The Rise Of Prefabricated House
Amid the rise of construction costs and housing shortage, the tiny and prefabricated house has returned and became a potential alternative building with cost and time savings. Before diving into its development and the possibility of solving the affordability issue, let’s look at its development history.
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The Neuralink Team Shows a Monkey Playing Pong with its Mind
Neuralink, the neurotechnology company of billionaire Elon Musk, studies implantable brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). The company was founded in 2016 by Musk and others, the experts in neuroscience, biochemistry, and robotic fields.
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The Effects Of Metaverse on the American Real Estate Market
From 2021 to 2026, the metaverse real estate market share is predicted to grow by USD 5.37 billion at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 61.74 percent (Business Wire). This article will give some significant insights into the impact of metaverse on the real estate market.
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