The Neuralink Team Shows a Monkey Playing Pong with its Mind
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The Rise Of Prefabricated House
Amid the rise of construction costs and housing shortage, the tiny and prefabricated house has returned and became a potential alternative building with cost and time savings. Before diving into its development and the possibility of solving the affordability issue, let’s look at its development history.
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Redefine your virtual trading experience with DecentWorld
Amid the fast pace in the real estate industry, including the virtual world, the demand for a high-performance and prestige transaction platform has been increasing significantly. Acknowledging the urgency, Swiss Asset Management AG, with the aim for perfection, has recently released a world-class secured metaverse platform named DecentWorld.
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Revenge Travel And Its Benefits To The Economy
Revenge travel, according to Psychology Today, is a phenomenon of psychological behavior, in which the dopamine regions in our brains will be highly activated when we go shopping. It is believed that we are ready for vacations more than ever before.
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