The Bright Return Of Airbnb Starts Once Summer Comes
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Zillow Applies AI To Reduce Errors In Its Estimates
Zillow Group, Inc., founded in 2006 by Barton and Frink, is the largest American online real-estate advertising and rental marketplace platform. Recently, Zillow has just announced its new neural network, which the company has spent years on practices and researches for better home value estimation.
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Image Boise, Idaho Being The Hottest Housing Market In The U.S
The housing market in Boise, Idaho, is not only thriving but also exceeding projection. As of the newest updates, the home price is 22% over the national average. The median home price reached $405,000 in March 2021, and Idaho ranks #2 in the U.S. for home-equity gains. Additionally, an average buyer pays over asking price for nine months straight in the Boise Metropolitan Area.
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The Neuralink Team Shows a Monkey Playing Pong with its Mind
Neuralink, the neurotechnology company of billionaire Elon Musk, studies implantable brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). The company was founded in 2016 by Musk and others, the experts in neuroscience, biochemistry, and robotic fields.
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