The Single Tenant Net Leased Market, What It Is And Key Trends To Know In 2022
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Redefine your virtual trading experience with DecentWorld
Amid the fast pace in the real estate industry, including the virtual world, the demand for a high-performance and prestige transaction platform has been increasing significantly. Acknowledging the urgency, Swiss Asset Management AG, with the aim for perfection, has recently released a world-class secured metaverse platform named DecentWorld.
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Renter Majority Exceeds 100 Suburbs Across 50 Largest Metros In The US
There has been a dramatic and unexpected transformation in places (that was) once was a homeownership emblem of the US. According to RentCafe's newest report, renter-majority areas have surged significantly over the past 10 years. Specifically, 103 suburbs, mostly around major metros such as Washington D.C, Miami, and Los Angeles are dominated by renters.
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The Neuralink Team Shows a Monkey Playing Pong with its Mind
Neuralink, the neurotechnology company of billionaire Elon Musk, studies implantable brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). The company was founded in 2016 by Musk and others, the experts in neuroscience, biochemistry, and robotic fields.
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