Why Suburban Office Is More Attractive Than Ever
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Thrilling Online Shopping Experience with Virtual Fashion
With the fast growth of technology, it's easier than ever to find and shop the perfect latest piece of fashion online. Precisely, it provides virtual fashion try-on. In fact, the digital fashion industry is expected to be a robust growth for the next few years.
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A Surge In BFR Market While Home Price Records An All-Time High
Amid housing price high records, the rental housing market becomes the preferred choice for those who cannot afford a house at this time. Build-for-rent (BFR), a sub-segment of single-family-rentals (SFRs), is a thriving trend for investors and tenants.
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Redefine your virtual trading experience with DecentWorld
Amid the fast pace in the real estate industry, including the virtual world, the demand for a high-performance and prestige transaction platform has been increasing significantly. Acknowledging the urgency, Swiss Asset Management AG, with the aim for perfection, has recently released a world-class secured metaverse platform named DecentWorld.
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