A History of Real Estate Market Growth
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Nashville, A Hotspot Of The US Secondary Market
Besides being home to the country music industry, Nashville is also known as a competitive market. How has the Supernova city performed during the past few years? Let’s discover it in this article.
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How AI Is Changing Traditional Real Estate Marketing
The positive technology's influence on the world's economy is undeniable in this Industry 4.0 era. For real estate businesses, besides buying and selling, an online marketing platform also helps landlords and agencies find potential tenants, whereas renters have their ideal space to rent without an in-person meeting.
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A Future Community Of Modular Housing
Amid housing shortage and high price records, the foldable house/ accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is becoming extremely popular. The increase in an ADU’s popularity is due to the desire to have extra space for work, living, and other purposes with lower expenses. Boxabl’s new Casita is at the forefront of the prefabricated home building trend.
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