A Quick Review Of Lodging Industry Performance In 2021
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A Cost-Saving And Infinite Storage AI-Powered Application
In the construction field, every project requires daily on-site updates so that the management team can track the progress, compare to its timelines, and recognize the irregularities. This condition, traditionally, requires an unavoidable expense of hiring and maintaining the on-site updates workforce; however, the updates are only available weekly or monthly. With the growth of artificial intelligence, various notable construction AI programs are born to optimize management costs with daily updates.
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Property Technology and Its Impacts on the Housing Market
Proptech is on the rise in 2022, claiming importance in the global real estate market. Learn what you need about this trend and how to make the most out of the wildfire of technology.
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The Rise Of Whisper Listings
Whisper listings or pocket listings, in which residential properties are sold for a selected pool of buyers, are well-known private home sales methods. Without public listings, whisper listings provide privacy for the sellers who hope to sell their homes for the slightest notice of strangers. This type of listings has existed for years; however, it has increased the burden on the housing situation.
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