Property Technology and Its Impacts on the Housing Market
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All about Virtual Real Estate in 2022
The metaverse is getting more popular. The rebranding of Facebook as Meta last year brought the growth of this alternative universe to the forefront of investors' minds. As an investor, you may ask: “What exactly is the metaverse and what investment opportunities might it open up, especially in the highly desirable real estate industry?”
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Update: Boise, Idaho Continues To Be The U.S Hottest Housing Market
For the last quarter of 2021, Boise, Idaho, has recorded the top nation's all-time high home price. As a tremendous relocating destination, Boise is the red hottest market in the U.S. that outpaces other markets to lead the race. Additionally, with the increase of 28.8% in median sale prices from the prior year, some properties were sold at $100,000 over the asking price.
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Why Suburban Office Is More Attractive Than Ever
The 1st quarter of 2021 sees a significant recovery of the U.S. Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Market in every sector compared to the same time of last year. The increase in suburban prices contributes to the robust gain in U.S. commercial property prices in March 2021.
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