The Rise Of Whisper Listings
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Why Suburban Office Is More Attractive Than Ever
The 1st quarter of 2021 sees a significant recovery of the U.S. Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Market in every sector compared to the same time of last year. The increase in suburban prices contributes to the robust gain in U.S. commercial property prices in March 2021.
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Zillow Applies AI To Reduce Errors In Its Estimates
Zillow Group, Inc., founded in 2006 by Barton and Frink, is the largest American online real-estate advertising and rental marketplace platform. Recently, Zillow has just announced its new neural network, which the company has spent years on practices and researches for better home value estimation.
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A Quick Review Of Lodging Industry Performance In 2021
The lodging industry has gradually begun to recover since the pandemic set in. Despite the fact that it hasn't returned to its former glory, it can still be considered a thriving market.
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