The Driving Demand For The U.S. Housing Market
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A Future Community Of Modular Housing
Amid housing shortage and high price records, the foldable house/ accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is becoming extremely popular. The increase in an ADU’s popularity is due to the desire to have extra space for work, living, and other purposes with lower expenses. Boxabl’s new Casita is at the forefront of the prefabricated home building trend.
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Key Trends in the Manufactured Homes and Mobile Homes Market
Over the years, mobile homes and manufactured homes are both creative ways to meet the need for good, affordable housing. Let’s explore the latest trends in the sector!
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Thrilling Online Shopping Experience with Virtual Fashion
With the fast growth of technology, it's easier than ever to find and shop the perfect latest piece of fashion online. Precisely, it provides virtual fashion try-on. In fact, the digital fashion industry is expected to be a robust growth for the next few years.
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