US Apartment Market Saw Its Fastest Growth In A Decade
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All about Virtual Real Estate in 2022
The metaverse is getting more popular. The rebranding of Facebook as Meta last year brought the growth of this alternative universe to the forefront of investors' minds. As an investor, you may ask: “What exactly is the metaverse and what investment opportunities might it open up, especially in the highly desirable real estate industry?”
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Hot Surfing Areas in Switzerland and Japan 2022
There seems to be no stopping the surfing wave these days. Surf parks have been vital to social experiences, encouraging surfers to chart new areas and boost the local economies.
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How AI Is Changing Traditional Real Estate Marketing
The positive technology's influence on the world's economy is undeniable in this Industry 4.0 era. For real estate businesses, besides buying and selling, an online marketing platform also helps landlords and agencies find potential tenants, whereas renters have their ideal space to rent without an in-person meeting.
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